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2nd AEDP Salon in Hong Kong (2024)

To deepen and expand our knowledge and skills in AEDP by exploring the interface of AEDP with other related concepts and modalities
The16th AEDP three-day Immersion Course for Level I

As an introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), this three-day Immersion Course will focus on the phenomenology of relational attachment, emotional transformation and transcendence. At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to: 1. Understand Transformance: Being a change based therapy model, 2. Understand Undoing Aloneness: To correct the emotional experience of being alone in facing trauma, 3. Understand Privileging the Positive and the New: A sense of experiencing right and true, 4. Understand the Phenomenology of 4 States and 3 State Transformational Process: AEDP explicitly describes this map/compass of transformation, 5. Understand Processing of Emotions: A bottom up embodied experience, emotions are through
to completion, 6. Understand Metaprocessing and Core State: Unique to AEDP, 7. Understand how the above fits together: Integrating AEDP theory with the art of practice in treatment.
AEDP Level II Training

This level II training includes two parts: 1. AEDP Core Skills Training and, 2. AEDP Supervision Group.

  1. The Core Skills Training will be held over 5 weekends (Fridays from 7:00 to 9:30 pm & Saturdays from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm). In the workshop, we will try to teach, in both left-brained and right-brained ways, core skills necessary to practice AEDP in a practical, concrete and specific manner. Different skills and techniques will be introduced, explained, illustrated and practiced so that participants will emerge with both an understanding and a trust of how AEDP works in psychotherapy. Besides skills learning, we also emphasize the experience of self-reflection and self-growth of participants through different well-designed experiential group exercises, mindful practice and role play experience.

  2. AEDP Supervision Group is a two-full-day group supervision. In order to facilitate the Core Skills learning and practice in real case situation and different clinical settings, the participants will be arranged to take turn to present their individual videotaped sessions, with the other participants of the group watching, in the group process of supervision.
One-day Seminar from Dr. Yeung on Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)

I-and-Dao in the Here-and-Now: The Art and Neuroscience of Heartfelt
Listening, Dialogical Presencing and the Spirit of AEDP
Through moment-to-moment praxis of I-and-Dao encounters, the embodying of the Spirit of AEDP is attained through the phenomenology of dialogical presencing, which in turn are achieved through the art of heartfelt listening.
What is Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)?

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is a transformation-based, healing-oriented model of therapy. As an integrative framework, AEDP has its roots in emotion theory, affective neuroscience, attachment theory, body-focused treatments, and transformational studies. The AEDP therapist, as the secure base for the client, fosters the emergence of healing experiences through the in-depth processing of overwhelming and relational experiences. With meta-processing, the evoked positive experience of transformational affects such as self-compassion are further expanded and flourished.
AEDP Level III Core Supervision Group

This Core Supervision Group mainly consists of three parts: individual supervision, group supervision and clinical practice. It will be lasted for around 1.5 years. In the supervision group, participants will spend concentrated time together immersed in this intensive supervision and case presentation arrangement. We, as a group of certified AEDP Supervisors, will try our best to provide an experiential and reflective learning environment that is designed to foster a culture of mutually engaged and trust which allows the risk-taking of exposing one's own videotaped work and learning from the work of others. With close monitoring on the progress of each participant, and by going through this learning journey together in the group, we sincerely hope that each of them is capable and confident to develop his/her own style of AEDP practice.
AEDP Book Club Hong Kong: The Power of Togetherness

To read the book together: “Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0” (edited by Diana Fosha, PhD, 2021)
AEDP Salon Hong Kong

To provide and maintain an open platform to share and learn from each other on exploring the interface and possible integration between AEDP and other related modalities
AEDP HK: Direct Clinical Supervision from Dr. Danny YEUNG

To arrange regulate online clinical AEDP supervision from Dr. Danny YEUNG for our AEDP HK community. Its goal is not only to gradually and reliably increase proficiency and competency in our practice, but also to foster significant change and growth involving the self of the therapist.
AEDP Case Sharing Session

An effective way to learn AEDP is to keep regulate exposure of ourselves to different real case situations and clinical materials offered by our experienced AEDP therapists. Watching how AEDP works for different nature of emotional problems, at different states of intervention, by different therapists is beneficial for us. Video demonstration of a real client in various states of transformation will be showed in each Case Sharing Session, with moment-by-moment commentary from the presenter.
AEDP three-day Immersion Course for Level I

As an introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), this three-day Immersion Course will focus on the phenomenology of relational attachment, emotional transformation and transcendence. At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to: 1. Understand Transformance: Being a change based therapy model, 2. Understand Undoing Aloneness: To correct the emotional experience of being alone in facing trauma, 3. Understand Privileging the Positive and the New: A sense of experiencing right and true, 4. Understand the Phenomenology of 4 States and 3 State Transformational Process: AEDP explicitly describes this map/compass of transformation, 5. Understand Processing of Emotions: A bottom up embodied experience, emotions are through
to completion, 6. Understand Metaprocessing and Core State: Unique to AEDP, 7. Understand how the above fits together: Integrating AEDP theory with the art of practice in treatment.
Feedback from AEDP participants

In AEDP practice, the therapeutic relationship is the heart of therapy and required more attention and skills. I need to be more attentive to each moment of interchange with my clients. Their breath, affect, face, tone of voice, body movement and sensation all required detailed attention. Many times when I reviewed the taped counselling sessions, I found myself talking too much, making too much interpretation, trying too hard to make connections in what clients said with their emotions. Now I am learning to be less busy in my head, using less of my left brain to 'understand' my client or helping her to 'understand' herself. Instead, by moment-to-moment tracking and timely responding and attuning to client's emotions, I am learning to make room for securing client's attachment experience. Then client will be less anxious, more able to loosen up defenses and have more courage to go deeper into emotions. The corrective emotional experience will then lead to healing and transformation. I am glad that in some episodes of therapy session, I witnessed changes in my clients, shared their deep emotional experience and accompanied them in enduring painful moment as well as enjoying the peaceful moment after the stormy moment.
To me, AEDP is not a totally new set of theory and practice. It is more like an advance level of practice that I can build on. It opens up a new pathway for my practice where I often feel stuck in emotional engagement with clients and handicapped in mood regulation. It provides a solid roadmap to follow and to orientate the direction where therapy should be going. --- Heidi Tam (AEDP Level III Core Supervision Group graduate)